Friday, December 11, 2009

Norway Spiral

Norwegians baffled when a blue orb transforms into a giant spiral which emits a blue beam from its centre.
Russian military at first denies a Bulava intercontinental ballistic missile test failed third stage after being launched from a submarine in the White Sea. Then the Kommersant newspaper reports a pre-dawn test of the missile coincided with the bizarre event over Norway. But is this all a cover-up?

Speculations suggest the Norway Spiral orb may be related to a HAARP type project. The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) investigation project, funded by taxpayers through the US Air Force, the US Navy, the University of Alaska, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), investigate the ionosphere and whether its can be used for communication or surveillance purposes.

The facility operates a VHF and UHF radar, a fluxgate magnetometer, a digisonde, an induction magnetometer and the transmitter facilities. Perhaps Russia is doing similar research.

Others have suggested the Norway event may by a wormhole; either man-made or of alien designation.
A wormhole is a hypothetical topological feature of spacetime--a 'shortcut' through space and time. A wormhole has at least two mouths connected via a tube. Lorentzian wormholes, aka Schwarzschild wormholes or Einstein-Rosen bridges, are links between areas of the universe. The possibility of traversable wormholes in general relativity was first demonstrated in 1988 by Kip Thorne and graduate student Mike Morris. Wormholes bridge two distant points in spacetime, in principle allowing travel in time and in space.

1 comment:

b.gupta said...

REQUEST to give DEATH for me,mother ,and father ,and even to my two brothers,and one sister to soul ,grand soul ,kundaliy , by giving or injecting poision ( which science & scientits can produce ) and ( shown in the "dasavataram "tamil & hindi india movie )burn infront of everyone on the earth only
name- -bhupinder gupta---------coimbatore-----father name--purshotam lal gupta ----mother name ---sunita mahajan ---brothers name ---narinder gupta ,verinder gupta ,,sister name -----sangeeta mahajan----ambala ,haryana

---------------------------------------------------------request --- from the time of old vedic (india ancient scriptures time) .puranic stories (indian ancient) time and stories, curses of rishes (saints) devtas (angles) asurans (satans) ( devatas quarrels ) ramanya , mahabharata enemities, conspirancies ( षङयत्रॅ ) cheatings ,dirty polatics , mistakes ( THAT TIME MAY BE MISTAKES OF ONE OR TWO PERSONS ) ,old revenges are taking place still going on. due to some bad budhies ( wise )(wisedom) ( बुदधि ) bad thoughts , bad understanding , egos , and adamant natures ( हठ ) ,blaming each others, those enemities and revenges has brought to this level . now it has taken very destruction .

2 ) if at those ancients times some wise peoples would have taken wise decissions for the betterment for each others and others , no ramayana, no mahabhartha , no war ,no fight ,no quarrels , in puranic (ancients) times and now nothing would have not taken place .

3 ) on the name of punishment , taking revenges, taking under earth alive , several thousnds kilometers under earth , even to center of the earth, where no body can be able to find out , under rocks .even converting souls (atamas) to pieces the size of molecules even to newtron, proton size so that no one can search .buring alive .beating , cutting parts of boby of (souls) atama , sending to hell the place where no body sees , making aliens and like aliens from human .joining different souls atamas giveing unnatural shapes .breaking soul cutting hands , legs .stomach ,toungs,seprating layers of body and souls . spoil of budies brains , spoiling souls , kundlanies shakties ,nurves systems ,spoiling humans ,beating souls ,human micro soul powers .